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Florida Institute of Real Estate Education, LLC
DBPR Licensed Provider of 100% Online Licensing Courses
(904) 701-9646
Your trusted partner in FL Real Estate Education since 2009!
3 Steps to 14-HR Renewal
There are only three steps to complete to renew your Florida Sales Associates or Brokers License instantly!
Register for our state-licensed 14-Hour Continuing Education Course by clicking the Buy Now button.
Submit to Florida's DBPR their fee for license renewal. You can do this online here or by phone, (850) 487-1395. This can be done before or after you complete our course.
Simply complete our online course to meet Florida's 14-Hour Continuing Education Course requirement.

Get on your way to a hassle-free renewal! Take our course, complete the end of course exam, and pay the DBPR their renewal fee. We electronically report your completion to the DBPR. It's hassle-free!
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