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Florida Institute of Real Estate Education, LLC
DBPR Licensed Provider of 100% Online Licensing Courses
(904) 701-9646
Your trusted partner in FL Real Estate Education since 2009!
3 Steps to 60-HR Renewal
There are only three steps to complete to renew your Florida Real Estate Broker's License instantly!
Register for our state-licensed 60-Hour Post-licensing Course by clicking the Buy Now button.
Submit to Florida's DBPR their fee for license renewal. You can do this online here or by phone, (850) 487-1395. This can be done before or after you complete our course.
Complete our online course to meet Florida's 60-Hour Post-licensing Course requirement and receive an official electronic certificate of completion, which we report to the DBPR based on the time and date of your completion.

Get on your way to a hassle-free renewal! Take our course, complete the end of course exam, and pay the DBPR their renewal fee. We report your completion to the DBPR electronically and email you an electronic completion certificate. It's hassle-free!
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